APRIL 2020
In this issue
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TRIBUTE TO RUBEN BURKS – In Memory of Ruben Burks
VIRTUAL KEYNOTE WEBINAR – Steve Miller, Uncopyable
HARDI COVID-19 RESOURCES – Valuable Up-to-Date Information
2020 WINTER SUMMIT RECAP – Thank you sponsors! Check out the Pics
BLUE HAWK RETIREMENT – Stock Ownership, Investment Strategy, Spousal IRAs and Financial Records
BLUE HAWK SOCIAL MEDIA – Like us and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
CEO’s Message to BLUE HAWK Stakeholders

Lance Rantala
Dear BLUE HAWK Community,
We would like to thank everyone for your patience and cooperation through the transition from our 2020 Annual Conference in Orlando to a virtual meeting concept. We are deeply saddened we cannot celebrate our 15th anniversary together. Yet, this change of plans is trivial compared to the realities of today’s world.
Additionally, I want to recognize the effort put forth by the BLUE HAWK staff to hatch and develop our first-ever and, hopefully, the last virtual conference during the unusual turn of events. Over the past few weeks, they rolled up their sleeves at their home offices and began creating the best virtual experience imaginable. As one can imagine, adapting a significant event like our conference to a virtual event takes a lot of effort and conviction. We recognize nothing can replace in-person networking and camaraderie, but we did the best we could with limited resources and time…
Ruben passed away from COVID-19, another casualty in this terrible pandemic. He was a true gentleman and a tireless fighter for working men and women. He served the United Auto Workers (UAW) tirelessly for decades. Starting at the GM Fisher Body Plant 2 in Flint, Michigan, Ruben quickly rose through the UAW ranks, serving as a committee person, executive board member and director of Region 1C. He was also always focused on family and community. Where he wanted to make sure everyone had an opportunity to be their best self.
Ruben knew the true meaning of life was teamwork and togetherness. Together we can change communities. Together we can impact the lives of all backgrounds. Together we can leverage more of our financial resources. Together we can simply be better humans.
Steve Miller, our keynote speaker for the Orlando conference and author of the Amazon #1 best selling book, UNCOPYABLE: How to Create an Unfair Advantage Over Your Competition, will be holding a webinar for the BLUE HAWK Members, Vendor Partners, Alliance Partners, and Solution Partners on April 30.
Steve is passionate about helping you, and our cooperative flourish, so he has offered to restructure his keynote presentation to reflect the times and present a webinar just for the BLUE HAWK community. In this session, he will share seven actionable strategies you can work on right now. Included will be:
- How you should NOW be selling and marketing.
- The #1 mistake most marketers make and why it could backfire when things turn around.
- The big takeaway BLUE HAWK Member, Refrigeration Sales Corp., got from Steve’s book. (Rhonda Wight, their President, says “It changed our company.”)
- How to develop relationships beyond loyalty to unbreakable “attachment.”
- What a true referral marketing strategy (now more important than ever) looks like today.
- What you can do to ramp up the value of your educational offerings.
- How Nordstrom became famous for customer service and how you can steal their secret.
Plan now to join us!
Sponsored by BLUE Sapphire Sponsors:
As we all are navigating the COVID-19 virus, distributors have a considerable challenge in managing the business impacts resulting from the global health crisis. HARDI has compiled many resources with up-to-date coverage on regulatory updates, market insights, employer resources, member insights, and other information that you can utilize to help support your organization through this unprecedented situation. Bookmark this page to check back for updates.
BLUE HAWK Gives Back 2020 – MERISTEM
For 2020, BLUE HAWK is supporting MERISTEM. Each year we partner with a charity that is important to the community where our conference is held. For our 15th anniversary, we have decided to support a charity important to someone in our community. Joe Geary, son of Russ Geary, Geary Pacific’s Vice President, is on the autism spectrum. Joe is fortunate enough to attend MERISTEM.
MERISTEM serves young adults on the autism spectrum by helping them develop practical life skills, increase social capacity, and transition to work and independence. They build the foundation for a productive life by helping to optimize the potential of each individual. A special emphasis is placed on preparing students for entry into the workforce or pursuing higher education.
A central aspect of the MERISTEM method involves preparing students for life after graduation. Throughout the three-year program, students build skills to enter the workplace or higher education. Many will work independently, others with assistance, but each graduate leaves with a greater sense of self-reliance.
Entering the workforce is a hallmark of the program. The transition-to-work program develops vocational skills through work experience. Students grow and sell food from the campus farm, work in the culinary arts center, the campus café, or bookstore. With MERISTEM’s emphasis on community life, they seek opportunities to partner with local businesses for work placements and internships. MERISTEM help graduates find work in the community or enter college.
Since we aren’t able to support MERISTEM with all the fun things we had planned in Orlando, you can still support them directly by making donations on their website. Please include “BLUE HAWK” in the “Notes” area.
Thank you for your continued support of our Gives Back projects.
2020 BLUE HAWK Gives Back Sponsored by:

Click photos to scroll.
The 2020 Winter Summit was held in Snowmass, Colorado. A great day of mini Face-to-Face sessions kicked off a fantastic event in an intermediate skiers paradise. Snowmass Ski Resort boasted thousands of acres of wide open runs for our skiers to enjoy while networking on the mountain. Our non-skiers enjoyed beautiful Colorado mountain views on snowmobiles and catching trout in pristine streams. Yet again we heard how much our attendees enjoyed getting to know fellow BLUE HAWK Members, Vendor Partners, Alliance Partners and Solution Partners in a smaller more intimate setting.
Thank you to our event sponsors
Overall Event Sponsor/BLUE Sapphire Sponsor: Gray Companies
Hand Warmer Sponsor: Johns Manville
Lip Balm Sponsor: Aspen Manufacturing
Monday Meeting Break Sponsor: Aspen Manufacturing
Monday Welcome Reception Sponsor: Packard
Tuesday Après Ski Sponsor: AireForce, Johns Manville, Hart & Cooley, Resideo & Genesis
BLUE HAWK Retirement
The Long View
Information for BLUE HAWK Retirement Investors
Our financial lives are a lot like walking through an unfamiliar forest: We may have an idea of where we want to go, but the exact path is unknown. There can be twists and turns, hills to climb and valleys to descend, with false paths that take you in the wrong direction. There might be predatory animals lurking in the shadows. With so much unseen risk and danger, how do we get out unscathed?
It helps to have the right tools. Perhaps a map to help us find our bearings, a compass to show us the way, and a first-aid kit for when things go wrong. We can add layers of protection with proper clothing. Checking the forecast and listening to experts will help us prepare. Every tool helps.
We recognize the limitations of a newsletter in terms of giving you all the tools necessary to navigate your financial lives, but we hope this at least gets you thinking. When questions arise or you’re unsure of the path forward, we hope that you’ll reach out. Together we can find a way.
Stock Ownership, Investment Strategy, Spousal IRAs and Financial Records
- Stock Ownership Slow to Recover
Fifty-five percent of Americans said that they (and/or a spouse) had money invested in the stock market in 2019, the same as in 2018. - Keeping Cool: Investment Strategy Vs. Reaction
It can be tough to keep cool when you see the market dropping or to control your exuberance when you see it shooting upward. But overreacting to market movements or trying to “time the market” by guessing at future direction may create additional risk. - Stay-at-Home Spouse? Consider a Spousal IRA
An ongoing study of IRA accounts has consistently found that women, on average, have lower retirement savings balances than men. - How Long Should you Keep Financial Records?
Now that tax season is over, you may want to file your most recent records and discard older records to make room for the new ones. Click above for guidelines.
IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES Andrew Thompson and Andrew Seaborg are registered representatives of Lincoln Financial Corp. Securities and investment advisory services offered through Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp., a broker-dealer (member SIPC) and registered investment advisor. Insurance offered through Lincoln affiliates and other fine companies. The Capital Group® is not an affiliate of Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp. CRN-2120260-051418
If you do not wish to recieve future emails, please call me at 608-268-5100, email me at andrew.thompson2@lfg.com, or write me at 406 Science Dr., Suite 310, Madison, WI 53711. We will reply with your request within 30 days.
Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp. and its representatives do not provide legal or tax advice. You may want to consult a legal or tax advisor regarding any legal or tax information as it relates to your personal circumstances.
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Prepared by Broadridge Advisor Solutions Copyright 2020.
BLUE HAWK University Training Tracks Raffle
Got Curriculum?
With the current situation of sheltering in place and practicing social distancing, now is a great time to double down on free training with BLUE HAWK University. If you haven’t set up Training Tracks yet, it’s time to get started. Training Tracks give you the ability to focus your employees training on what you would like them to learn.
“Your BHU Essentials” already helps focus your employees on the Vendor Partners you buy from, now take it one step further and set curriculum so that they are taking the modules that you would like them to take, on your time frames.
We have a webinar under the BLUE HAWK section in BHU to show you how to set Training Tracks up. Or you can get step by step instructions here.
Set up Curriculum
What modules would you like your employees to take?
Set Time Frames
Setting Training Tracks allows you to make sure your employees are staying on top of their training.
Sell More
Employees sell what they know. We heard it directly from them in our user survey. They sell what they are knowledgeable on. Train them and they sell more.
BHU Training Tracks Raffle
As part of our Virtual Conference, we will be holding a BHU Training Tracks Raffle. Any company who sets up a Training Track between April 1 and May 30, 2020 will be entered in a drawing for a Back-to-Work party once state and local workplace restrictions are relaxed. Three winners will be randomly selected.
1st place: $1,000
2nd place: $500
3rd place: $250
For more information on setting up Training Tracks:
Andrew Olsen
BLUE HAWK University
BHU Member Recognition is based upon the total number of Vendor Partner product training modules completed during the previous three months.
Way to go! Top BHU Participants
- Chris Agee, TTI Maumee Equipment, OH
- Shawn Reiche, Allred’s Inc., UT
- Marty Salyars, Southern Refrigeration, VA
- Jared Fischer, Benoist Bros. Supply Co, IL
- Adam Hickey, Acme Refrigeration of Baton Rouge, LA
- Michael Binek, Columbus Climate Controls, OH
- Neil Wyatt Peacock, Allred’s Inc., UT
- Angelena Antonacci, Temperature Equip. Corp. (TEC), IL
- Anthony Boetsch, Columbus Climate Controls, OH
- John Walker, R.J. Walker, PA
- Raymond Villa, S.G. Torrice, MA
- Kevin Lindsey, Mechanical Supply Co. Inc., MO
- Shaun Tennyson, A/C Supply Inc, LA
- Wesley Holmes, Superior Equipment Sales, VA
- J.D. Reuter, Koch Air, IN
- Greg Nagunst, Stevens Equipment Supply, MN
- Gerard Watts, Acme Refrigeration of Baton Rouge, LA
- DeAnna Alblinger, Rogers Supply Company, IL
- Momoi Asaivao, Admor HVAC Products, HI
- Francis Alvarico, Admor HVAC Products, HI
New Courses this Quarter
- CardConnect AIP: Credit Card Fraud Presentation
- Flexcon: Argosy Brand Buffer Tanks
- Hart & Cooley: Grilles, Registers, and Diffusers 102
- Hart & Cooley: Venting Basics 101
- Malco Tools: C5A & C5A2 TurboCrimper
- Nu-Calgon: Mini-Split Training 2020
- nVent CADDY: BLUE HAWK Training
- Reflectix, Inc.: Basement Ceiling Insulation Application
- Reflectix, Inc.: Cathedral Ceiling Insulation Application – Northern USA
- Reflectix, Inc.: Cathedral Ceiling Insulation Application – Southern USA
- Reflectix, Inc.: Concrete Slab Insulation
- Reflectix, Inc.: Reflectix Garage Door Insulation Application
- Shurtape: Recognizing Opportunities to Sell Shurtape Solutions
- Shurtape: Duct Tape 101
- Shurtape: Duct Tape 201
- Shurtape: Achieving Full System Closure
- Shurtape: Get to Know Shurtape
- Shurtape: Recommending Shurtape HVAC Solutions
- Tecumseh: Tecumseh ARGUS Nomenclature
If you would like to get started with BLUE HAWK University Vendor Partner Product Training, email Michelle Phillips at bhu@bluehawkcooperative.com.
Don’t forget about the BHU Virtual Conference Bundle Promo going on now until June 15. Contact Andrew Olsen to get started today at andrew.olsen@bluevolt.com.
Ellsworth Plumbing, Heating & A/C Supply
1334 Dorchester Ave.
Dorchester, MA 02122
P: (617) 825-5522
Plumbing & Heating Wholesale Supply
1410 N. Main Avenue
Sioux Center, IA 51250
P: (712) 722-4628
St. Hilaire Supply Co.
211 Broadway
St. Hilaire, MN 56754
P: (218) 964-5222
Tampa Bay Trane Supply
902 North Himes Avenue
Tampa, FL 33609
P: (813) 877-8251
Winsupply Inc.
3110 Kettering Blvd.
Dayton, OH 45439
P: (937) 294-5331
221 BLUE HAWK Member-Owners with 1,717 locations.
Pamilco Air
Effective January 1, 2020
Primary Contact: Melissa Davidson
P: (252) 623-4012
Air Filters and Equipment
Southwire Company
Effective January 1, 2020
Primary Contact: Gary Ohstrom
P: (309) 202-4160
All Wires & Cables, EZ-In Mini-Split Cable, THHN, Romex, Hand Tools & Equipment, Temporary Lighting, Extension & Multi-Purpose Cords, Whips, GFCI, and All Other Southwire Products
Tri-Dim Filter Corp.
Effective January 1, 2020
Primary Contact: Chuck Lehman
P: (800) 458-9835
Air Filters and Equipment
For information regarding our Vendor Partner Program Details, visit our password protected BLUE HAWK Online Community. Enter your User Name and Password and click on the BH Vendor Partner Tab.
New BLUE HAWK Solution Partners
Primary Contact: Zizi Weiss
P: (713) 858-1911
ERP Software
Savance Enterprise
Primary Contact: Jason Plasencia
P: (248) 478-2555 x 6237
Wholesale Distribution Software
Results Technology Group
Primary Contact: David Panitch
P: (847) 508-5778
IT Consulting