In this issue
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2019 FALL ADVISORY FORUM – Streamsong Recap
BLUE HAWK SOCIAL MEDIA – Like us and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
BENCHMARK BLUE – What does it take to be a Top Performer?
SUCCESSION PLANNING – Proper Succession Planning Increases Value for the Owner
2020 ANNUAL CONFERENCE – Registration for 2020 Annual Conference opening in January
BLUE HAWK GIVES BACK – Co-ops for Kindness
Happy Holidays from BLUE HAWK
IMARK Group Update – The Dashboard
In the last issue of Aerial View, we mentioned how the founding Members of IMARK Group – BLUE HAWK, IMARK Electrical and IMARK Plumbing – have begun sharing best practices, and evaluating our back-office synergies and cost-saving efficiencies. As an example, BLUE HAWK will be launching a new purchasing and rebate analytics tool called The Dashboard, which was originally developed by IMARK Plumbing.
Working in conjunction with Alliance Partner, Exactus Advisors, The Dashboard will be launching in 2020 to both Members and Vendor Partners. It is an analytics tool that provides near real time insight into how both Members and Vendor Partners are tracking inside BLUE HAWK.
Why are we doing this:
- Data Insights
- Rebate Audit Functionality
- Reduce Manual Effort
- Pursuit of Actionable Information
2019 Fall Advisory Forum Recap
This year’s Fall Advisory Forum was a tremendous success with a lot of firsts.
We had our first bass fishing and sporting clays tournaments. Our first fogged in morning of golf. Our first speaker from the golf channel, Matt Adams. And our first repeat winning team in the BLUE HAWK Cup since its inception.
We even had our first hole-in-one at our event, and his first hole-in-one, congratulations to Derrick Caudle from EspriGas on dunking it on hole #15 on Streamsong Black.
Congratulations to the 2019 BLUE HAWK Champions
Overall Award Sponsors
- CertainTeed
Forecaddie Sponsors
- Thermo Manufacturing – Tuesday 18 Holes on Black
- Aireforce – Wednesday 18 Holes on Red
- Tracpipe by OmegaFlex – Tuesday 9 Holes on Black
Golf Ball Sponsors
- Atco Rubber – Day 1
- Arkema – Day 2
Door Prize Donors
- A-Gas
- Aspen Mfg.
- Bosch
- CardConnect AIP
- CertainTeed
- Diversitech
- ESP Company/Bacchus Cellar Systems
- FTL Finance
- Hardcast
- Hart & Cooley
- JB Industries
- Legend Valve
- Malco
- Mueller Streamline
- National Compressor
- Neuco
- Nu-Calgon
- nVent
- Packard
- Reflectix
- Regal
- Resideo
- Tecumseh
- Tracpipe by Omegaflex
- Turbo Air
- Ultravation, Inc.
Contest Hole Sponsors
- Arkema Inc.
- Aspen Manufacturing
- Bacchus Cellar Systems
- CardConnect AIP
- CPS Products
- DiversiTech
- ESP Company
- FTL Finance
- Hardcast
- Hart & Cooley
- iO HVAC Controls
- Mueller Streamline
- Nu-Calgon
- Omegaflex
- Packard Inc.
- Panasonic Air Conditioning
- Schwank
- The Harris Products Group
- Ultravation, Inc.
Food Function Sponsors
- Hart & Cooley – Monday Reception Co-Sponsor
- Neuco – Monday Reception Co-Sponsor
- Resideo Honeywell Home – Tuesday Lunch Sponsor
- Aspen Manufacturing – Tuesday Reception Co-Sponsor
- Johns Manville – Tuesday Reception Co-Sponsor
- Legend Valve – Tuesday Reception Co-Sponsor
- Regal – Tuesday Reception Co-Sponsor
- Arkema Inc. – Wednesday Lunch Co-Sponsor
- Hardcast – Wednesday Lunch Co-Sponsor
Benchmark BLUE
Benchmark BLUE’s upper tier (25% of the group or Top Performers) are growing faster than the group, while maintaining higher gross margins through the first nine months of 2019.
BLUE HAWK Retirement
The Long View
Information for BLUE HAWK Retirement Investors
Our financial lives are a lot like walking through an unfamiliar forest: We may have an idea of where we want to go, but the exact path is unknown. There can be twists and turns, hills to climb and valleys to descend, with false paths that take you in the wrong direction. There might be predatory animals lurking in the shadows. With so much unseen risk and danger, how do we get out unscathed?
It helps to have the right tools. Perhaps a map to help us find our bearings, a compass to show us the way, and a first-aid kit for when things go wrong. We can add layers of protection with proper clothing. Checking the forecast and listening to experts will help us prepare. Every tool helps.
We recognize the limitations of a newsletter in terms of giving you all the tools necessary to navigate your financial lives, but we hope this at least gets you thinking. When questions arise or you’re unsure of the path forward, we hope that you’ll reach out. Together we can find a way.
Regrets, Retirement Quiz, 5 Times You Might Need Help, Theft Protection, Identity Theft
- Three Regrets of Retirees
Considering the regrets of current retirees may help you avoid the same mistakes - Take This Quiz: The Social Security Retirement Earnings Test
Can you work and receive Social Security retirement benefits at the same time? Yes, but the Social Security Administration (SSA) will apply an earnings test. - Five Times in Your Life When You Might Need Help with Your Finances
As you move through different stages of life, you will face new and unique financial situations. - Should I Sign up for an Identity Theft Protection Service?
If you want an extra layer of protection, an identity theft protection service is a good option. - Protecting Yourself Against Identity Theft
There are steps you can take to protect yourself against identity theft.
IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES Andrew Thompson and Andrew Seaborg are registered representatives of Lincoln Financial Corp. Securities and investment advisory services offered through Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp., a broker-dealer (member SIPC) and registered investment advisor. Insurance offered through Lincoln affiliates and other fine companies. The Capital Group® is not an affiliate of Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp. CRN-2120260-051418
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Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp. and its representatives do not provide legal or tax advice. You may want to consult a legal or tax advisor regarding any legal or tax information as it relates to your personal circumstances.
Please do not send any trading or transaction instructions through this e-mail. They will not be honored or executed. Should you require immediate assistance, please call the Lincoln Financial Advisors Trade Desk at 1-800-237-3815.
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Prepared by Broadridge Advisor Solutions Copyright 2019.
Proper Succession Planning Increases Value for the Owner
Many business owners do not realize that spending time on different succession planning topics will usually improve the company and the sales price. The following are some of the ideas that increase the value of the company and put more money in your pocket.
We suggest that business owners start thinking about selling the company 3 to 5 years ahead of time. You need this amount of time to get your company ready for the highest price.
I know that your emphasis the last 30 to 40 years has been increasing sales and profits, working with employees, helping customers, and putting out all of the daily fires. For the next 36 months try to remember that you’re going to work “on” the company for a couple of hours each month rather than “in” the company.
2020 Annual Conference
Registration will open around the end of January.
BLUE HAWK University
BHU Member Recognition is based upon the total number of Vendor Partner product training modules completed during the previous three months.
Way to go! Top BHU Participants
- Mahon Curran, Remsco, FL
- Luke Minnick, Makdad Industrial Supply, PA
- Marc McMahon, S.G. Torrice, MA
- Chris Morford, Central Arizona Supply, AZ
- Kenneth Smithson, Mechanical Supply Co. Inc., MO
- Billy Spitler, Koch Air, IN
- Robert Rowden, Stevens Equipment Supply, MN
- Shannon Duff, Holmes Supply, NE
- Justin Salazar, AACA Parts & Supplies, TX
- James Wilson, Victor Distributing Co., FL
- Mark Picariello, S.G. Torrice, MA
- Matthew Furlong, Makdad Industrial Supply, PA
- John Davis, S.G. Torrice, MA
- Danile Coldicott, Williams Distributing, MI
- Jose Murillo, Century A/C Supply, TX
- Raymond Griffin, Partners Supply, TN
- Vince Wilson, Stevens Equipment Supply, MN
- Jordan Hogan, Williams Distributing, MI
- Isaac Lopera, Century A/C Supply, TX
- Shantell Lopez, Stevens Equipment Supply, MN
New Courses this Quarter
- Arkema: R-22 HVAC Consumer Video – Myths and Facts
- Berry Plastics: Nashua Solutions for Rigid Duct
- Berry Plastics: Polyken Solutions for Rigid Duct
- DiversiTech: Boost Juice!
- DiversiTech: CS Series Condensate Switches
- DiversiTech: Rapid Positioning Clips
- Packard: EC Max
- Packard: EC vs. PSC Motors
- Packard: Transformers
If you would like to get started with BLUE HAWK University Vendor Partner Product Training, email Teri Ditsch at
BLUE HAWK University Training Tracks
Got Curriculum?
Now is the time to set up your next set of Training Tracks. If you haven’t set up Training Tracks yet, it’s time to get started. Training Tracks give you the ability to focus your employees training on what you would like them to learn.
The new “Your BHU Essentials” already helps focus your employees on the Vendor Partners you buy from, now take it one step further and set curriculum so that they are taking the modules that you would like them to take, on your time frames.
We now have a webinar under the BLUE HAWK section in BHU to show you how to set Training Tracks up.
Set up Curriculum
What modules would you like your employees to take?
Set Time Frames
Setting Training Tracks allows you to make sure your employees are staying on top of their training.
Sell More
Employees sell what they know. We heard it directly from them in our user survey. They sell what they are knowledgeable on. Train them and they sell more.
For more information:
Tina Schicchi
Mechanical Supply Company
919 Horan Drive
Fenton, MO 63026
P: (636) 343-9404
217 BLUE HAWK Member-Owners with 1460 locations.
Artis Metals Company
Effective January 1, 2020
Primary Contact: Tom Schappacher
P: (206) 409-7697
Sheet Metal Roof Vents, Exterior Vents, Chimney Vents & Duct Fittings
ICM Controls
Effective January 1, 2020
Primary Contact: Mike Tracy
P: (315) 362-9332
Private labelled and OEM products, furnace controls, surge protectors, phase monitors, and custom electronic controls.
Shuretape Technologies
Effective January 1, 2020
Primary Contact: Josh Staley
P: (800) 438-5779
Pressure Sensitive HVAC Tape
For information regarding our Vendor Partner Program Details, visit our password protected BLUE HAWK Online Community. Enter your User Name and Password and click on the BH Vendor Partner Tab.
BLUE HAWK Gives Back