In this issue
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THE DASHBOARD – Make Informed Purchasing Decisions with The DashBoard
BLUE HAWK RETIREMENT – It’s Time to Explore how to Spend Less and Get More
BENCHMARK BLUE – Recover Strong Program
2022 BLUE HAWK ANNUAL CONFERENCE – Registration Opening in Late January
BLUE HAWK GIVES BACK 2021 WINNERS – Winners Announced for the 2021 BLUE HAWK Gives Back Donations
BLUE HAWK SOCIAL MEDIA – Like us and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
Happy Holidays from BLUE HAWK
Make Informed Purchasing Decisions with The Dashboard
The Dashboard purchasing and rebate analytics tool helps your company make better purchasing decisions. Log on today to see our Vendor Partners’ rebate programs and how you’re tracking to meet your annual incentives.
We have had significant growth in participation on the site from both Members and Vendor Partners. The Dashboard allows us to work together to leverage our co-op’s scale and maximize our purchases with our Vendor Partners. The more participation from both the Members and Vendor Partners the more we all benefit.
We are excited to meet our strategic plan’s participation goals and significantly increase our participation commitments from both our Members and Vendor Partners.
Schedule your tour of The Dashboard with Jessica Jones today. Or reach out to Jessica directly with any other questions at
Feel free to contact to the Exactus Advisors team for data upload issues, FTP assistance, or any other data-driven questions at
It’s Time to Explore How to Spend Less and Get More from your 401(k)
Every business owner wants to feel confident that their retirement plan is working the way they expect and that they’re seeing value for money spent.
That’s where a plan checkup comes in.
It’s the best way to dig into your plan’s design and performance, get a complete picture of fees and expenses, and uncover opportunities to save.
It can also help you explore when it’s time for a change.
We make it easy.
As a BLUE HAWK Member, we’ll do the heavy lifting for you through our partnership with Andrew Thompson, The Capital Group/Lincoln Financial.
Your BLUE HAWK group 401(k) with Lincoln can be a cost-effective option.
- Low administrative cost
- No annual audits for Members with 100+ employees
- Economies of scale
- More value, services and individual attention at a competitive group price from an award-winning retirement plan provider
- Regular reviews for price reductions as plans grow
Schedule time with Andrew Thompson to review your plan and see how the BLUE HAWK Retirement can benefit your business. And check out this video to learn more about the value of group 401(k) plans.
For more information contact:
Andrew Thompson
The Capital Group
Benchmark BLUE – The Perfect Storm!
What happens when a surge in demand meets scarce inventory and labor? The most profitable year in HVAC in a generation. Data on the CoMetrics benchmarking platform highlight the group’s performance: over the last four quarters, nearly all Benchmark BLUE participants have improved (see all the dots above the horizontal line in the CoScore chart, indicating improved performance in Q4 2020 thru Q3 2021 as compared to the prior year):
So what? Why do I care about benchmarks? Well, when times are good, benchmarks help check your gut. Most BLUE HAWK members may “feel” like they are doing well, but how do you know if you are taking full advantage of the past year’s tailwind? Start participating in this free, confidential, and impactful member benefit now. Reach out to Paul Giudice (our partner CoMetrics’ CEO) to learn more: Meet with Paul.