JUNE 2021
In this issue
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2021 BLUE HAWK VENDOR PARTNERS OF THE YEAR – Tier 1, Tier 2 & Tier 3
2021 BLUE HAWK AWARDS – 12 Category Award Winners
FALL ADVISORY FORUM – Join us at Pinehurst, October 18-20
BENCHMARK BLUE – Make Hay, When the Sun Shines
IMARK GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE CAPTIVE – Now is the Time to Explore Your Heathcare Options
BLUE HAWK RETIREMENT – Helping BLUE HAWK Members and Your Employees Thrive
THE DASHBOARD – The Dashboard Personnel Update
BLUE HAWK GIVES BACK 2021 – Give Back to Your Community & Win $1,000 for Your Charity
SAVINGS4MEMBERS – Counting the Cost of Fleet Management
BLUE HAWK SOCIAL MEDIA – Like us and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
CEO’s Message to BLUE HAWK Stakeholders

Lance Rantala
Hello BLUE HAWK Community,
Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2021 Virtual Gig Conference. Given the combination of frequent price increases, extended lead times, filling job vacancies, and enjoying a hot start to the summer, we realize participating in more Zoom Meetings was low on many of your priority lists. Nonetheless, we received fantastic feedback from our Vendor Partners about the high level of engagement from the BLUE HAWK Members. This level of commitment is why BLUE HAWK is the most respected co-op and buying group in the HVACR industry.
The BLUE HAWK team would like to congratulate all Members and Vendor Partners who received an award during the Virtual Gig. To view the announcement of the winners, look in the Virtual Gig Recap of this newsletter. Like last year, it is disappointing we could not recognize your success in person. However, next year, we expect to return to some sense of normalcy at our Annual Conference at Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando on April 20 – 23, 2022.
If you cannot wait that long to see your industry colleagues, we invite you to sign up for the Fall Advisory Forum in Pinehurst, NC, on October 18 – 20, 2021. This networking event is much smaller and more intimate than our annual conferences. In addition, we will be holding shortened face-to-face meetings at the event for those who miss talking to people live. Also, worth noting, we do have non-golfing activities scheduled if you don’t have patience for the game of golf.