In this issue
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THE DASHBOARD – New Look & New Functionality
BENCHMARK BLUE – Welcome to Boom Town
2023 ANNUAL CONFERENCE – Registration coming in January
IMARK HEALTH INSURANCE CAPTIVE – Now’s the Time to Review your Company’s Health Insurance
2022 VENDOR PARTNER SCORECARD RESULTS – See who scored in the Top 10 for 2022
2023 WINTER SUMMIT – Join us in Steamboat Springs, Colorado
BLUE HAWK GIVES BACK – Co-ops for Kindness
BLUE HAWK SOCIAL MEDIA – Connect with us!
CEO’s Message to BLUE HAWK Stakeholders

Lance Rantala
Hello BLUE HAWK Stakeholders,
Well, it has turned into another bizarre year. Hopefully, you are managing the anxiety-provoking disruptive forces in our industry and the world.
As evident in Benchmark BLUE’s second quarter 2022 results, most Members’ inventory levels are at all-time highs. Suppose you don’t know how your company performs compared to your co-op’s peers. In that case, you must upload your quarterly trial balances to the secure and anonymous financial benchmarking platform Benchmark BLUE. It is free because your co-op pays for your access. Don’t hesitate to contact me at lrantala@bluehawkcooperative.com to get rolling. Knowledge is power.
Moreover, the BLUE HAWK Board, Staff, and Vendor Partners want to ensure you maximize your annual incentives and conversion program opportunities. So, would you mind asking your team to pay attention to your company’s year-to-date purchases on The Dashboard? The rebate analytics tool was designed to give all Members full transparency of our Vendor Partner Agreements. Last year, your co-op generated more than 30% of its total rebates from year-ending incentives. So, please do not miss a growth incentive due to obliviousness.
Every Vendor Partner rebate program is at your fingertips. However, if you need some guidance with The Dashboard, you should email Jessica Jones at jjones@bluehawkcooperative.com. She’s got your back.
Let’s finish 2022 financially healthier than last year, and remind our Vendor Partners why BLUE HAWK is the largest and most admired HVACR purchasing entity in North America.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”
Charles Darwin
Lance Rantala
The Dashboard New Look & New Functionality
The Dashboard has been at the forefront of everyone’s mind since its announcement in 2019. Since that day, we have worked tirelessly to ensure that the platform brings immense value to our membership. The Dashboard was built to manage hundreds of rebates and analyze millions of products to give our Members ownership over their rebate earnings.
In June of this year, the Tredence team and BLUE HAWK team began a revamp project to improve every facet of The Dashboard. The site was visually redesigned to make it even easier to quickly assess rebate maximization and reduce the learning curve. Keeping all of the filters and important metrics but cleaning up the view makes the site easy to navigate for every level of user. In addition, significant time and energy went into improving the AI program that reads product descriptions and places them within the appropriate product category. By taking the time to improve the category prediction, the accuracy is now above 90%, and with over 1.7 million SKUs currently flowing through the system, the accuracy level is extremely impressive!
Our work isn’t over yet. The goal for 2022 is to have 67% of our Members onboarded and utilizing The Dashboard. As it stands right now, we have 61% compliance. Help us hit our goal by reaching out to tour the site and start the onboarding process today. Your participation helps us hit our goal and ensures that you maximize all of the rebates you deserve before Q4 closes.

For more information or to schedule a tour:
Jessica Jones
Welcome to Boom Town, BLUE HAWK.
- Benchmark BLUE participants continue to pass on price increases and grow sales
- “Good” (median) Net Sales Growth for Q2 2022 was: 20.0%, but “Excellent” (upper quartile) was: 29.5%
- Operating expenses are generally increasing, but not as fast as sales growth.
- Median Operating Expenses as a percentage of Net Sales reached a new low in the second quarter
- Inventory levels have returned to more “normal” levels: 105 Days Inventory on Hand in the second quarter vs. a record first quarter of 143 days
How did you do in the second quarter? Did you beat the “Excellent” benchmarks? If not, check out the CoMetrics platform to dig into where you might be missing something. Or reach out to Paul Giudice, CoMetric’s CEO, for a personalized tour of the data: Meet with Paul. As a reminder, Benchmark BLUE is available to all members for no additional fees.
2023 Annual Conference
The 2023 Annual Conference registration will open in January. Keep your eyes out for more information, and mark your calendars! Please note next year’s Annual Conference will be held Sunday through Tuesday. You should also start warming up your voices and breaking out your guitar to get ready!
Now’s the Time to Review your Company’s Health Insurance
If you have 40 or more enrolled employees, IMARK Group Health Insurance Captive could be a great way to save money on your company’s insurance. If you’re a 4th quarter renewal, don’t delay contact Dee VanSchoick, Jr. from Risk Strategies to find out more now.
120 days is optimal for a smooth transition. 90 days is still good, but you want to give yourself as much time as possible.
If you’re on a fully-funded plan, you can change at any time with only 30 days’ notice to your current carrier.
Don’t have 40 enrolled employees?
We also have other benefit options for your company.
- 20+ enrolled employees Pareto “Level Funded Plan” for IMARK Group companies using the Aetna National PPO Network.
- 2 + enrolled employees, Risk Strategies has other options available Nationally with Aetna, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, United Healthcare, Cigna, Humana, and local regional Networks.
Contact Dee VanSchoick, Jr. from Risk Strategies to find out how they can help you.
The 2022 Vendor Partner Scorecard rankings have been finalized and the results are in. Below are the Top 10 in Overall Satisfaction and five other categories.
Our Members rank participating Vendor Partners on a scale of 1 – 10 for various metrics. These rankings are aggregated and individual ranking data remains anonymous, ensuring that Members are free to provide honest feedback.
53 Vendor Partners choose to participate in the 2022 VP Scorecard and our Members provided feedback on 3,376 relationships with those Vendor Partners.
One of the questions on the survey asks each member to rate their Vendor Partner Relationship relative to other suppliers in the product category. 73% of the Vendor Partner relationships were rated as an Above Average or Superior Performer.
Overall Ranking
1 – Southwark Metal Mfg. Co.
2 – Nu-Calgon
3 – Shurtape Techologies
4 – Gray Metal Products, Inc.
5 – Ultravation, Inc.
6 – Velocity Boiler Works
7 – JB Industries
8 – UEi Test Instruments
9 – Gray Metal South
10 – Armacell
Sales Rep Performance
1 – Southwark Metal Mfg. Co.
2 – AireForce
3 – Nu-Calgon
4 – JB Industries
5 – MA-Line Specialty Products
6 – Velocity Boiler Works
7 – Ultravation, Inc.
8 – A-Gas
9 – Shurtape Technologies
10 – Gastite
Product Quality, Mfg Capabilities
1 – Gray Metal Products, Inc
2 – Gastite
3 – Armacell
4 – Gray Metal South
5 – Artis Metals Company
6 – Aeroflex
7 – Velocity Boiler Works (Crown)
8 – Nu-Calgon
8 – Southwark Metal Mfg. Co.
10 – Tigre USA
Service, Communication, Product Training
1 – Southwark Metal Mfg. Co.
2 – Nu-Calgon
3 – Snap-Rite Mfg (Gray Companies)
4 – Gray Metal South
5 – Ultravation, Inc.
6 – Velocity Boiler Works
7 – Aire Force
8 – Shurtape Technologies
9 – Gastite
10 – Arkema
Deliveries, Lead Times, Fill Rates, Errors
1 – Neuco
2 – Legend Valve & Fitting
3 – Aeroflex
4 – UEi Test Instruments
5 – Lucas-Milhaupt
6 – Armacell
7 – Shurtape Technologies
8 – Thermo Manufacturing
9 – Nu-Calgon
10 – Gray Metal Products, Inc.
Pricing, Terms & Conditions, Profitability
1 – Gray Metal Products, Inc.
1 – Southwark Metal Mfg. Co.
3 – Shurtape Technologies
4 – Artis Metals Company
5 – EspriGas
5 – UEi Test Instruments
7 – Velocity Boiler Works
8 – MA-Line Specialty Products
9 – JB Industries
10 – Thermo Manufacturing
Join BLUE HAWK in Steamboat Springs for the Winter Summit. The Winter Summit meeting will be held on Wednesday afternoon, January 18. In addition to business and valuable networking, enjoy skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, horseback riding, snow tubing and fly fishing.
Steamboat Springs is nestled in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, off the beaten path but still within reach. Known as Ski Town, U.S.A., you’ll find the lightest, driest, fluffiest snow on earth in Steamboat Springs, Champagne Powder® snow. You’ll also find six towering peaks, 3,000 skiable acres and 165 trails that offer up a little bit of everything — from perfect beginner runs, to long cruisers, to the steep and deep — and just for a little icing on the cake, some flat-out awesome tree skiing.
Not a skier? This winter wonderland has endless activities that will have you experiencing the great outdoors and indoors, from winter activities to dining, shopping, and unwinding in natural hot springs. Steamboat Spring has something to offer everyone.
If you would like to get started with BLUE HAWK University Vendor Partner Product Training, email Michelle Phillips at bhu@bluehawkcooperative.com.
Get started or add additional content by contacting our Partner Success team at BlueVolt at Partnersuccess@bluevolt.com.
BLUE HAWK University
BHU Member Recognition is based upon the total number of Vendor Partner product training modules completed during the previous three months.
Way to go! Top BHU Participants
- Brandon Barsness, Design Air, WI
- Anthony Alvarado, Century HVAC Distributing, TX
- Michael Hernandez, S.G. Torrice, MA
- Kevin Kelliher, S.G. Torrice, MA
- Brian Estrada, Sid Harvey Industries, NY
- Cody Zrust, Wholesale Heating & Cooling Supply, NE
- Sang Park, Admor HVAC Products, HI
- Enrique Guerrero Jr., MORSCO Inc., TX
- Derrick Schmitt, DBM Control Distributors, NY,Virtual Meeting
- Melissa Johns, Williams Distributing, MI
- Alex Alejandro, S.G. Torrice, MA
- Ryan Lawson, Design Air, WI
- Erin Hamm, Toro-Aire, Inc., CA
- Chris Percoskie, Sid Harvey Industries, NY
- Daniel Briggs, Morrow Control & Supply, OH,Winstel Controls, OH
- Michael Walcheski, Sid Harvey Industries, NY
- Sean Baldwin, R & E Supply (Refrig & Electric), AR
- Neil Kirschbaum, Sid Harvey Industries, NY
- Matt Little, Winsupply -Michigan Temperature Supply-Saginaw
- Brandon Sturn, Columbus Climate Controls, OH
New Courses this Quarter
- RectorSeal/TRUaire: Calci-free & Calci-flush
- DiversitTech: Using UV Light to Clean and Sanitize Your Ductless Unit
- DiversiTech: APCO-X – Improvements Over the Original APCO
- DiversiTech: Why Cleaning Your Ducts Only Solves Part of the Problem
- DiversiTech: Indoor Air Quality – Understanding UV Light
- DiversiTech: Indoor Air Quality – Importance of Purifying Air in Your Home
- DiversiTech: Indoor Air Quality – How to Purify Air in a Small Space
- DiversiTech: Indoor Air Quality – How Best to Approach a Homeowner
- DiversiTech: Ductless Solutions
- DiversiTech: Mini-Split Stand for Your Outdoor Unit
- RectorSeal/TRUaire: Pipe Thread Sealants
- Oatey SCS: QuickDrain Brand Overview
- Oatey SCS: Meet L.R. Brands
- Oatey SCS: Introducing 1916 Collection
- Oatey SCS: Dearborn True Blue Brass Bath Waste Overview
- Oatey SCS: QuickDrain New Finishes and Drain Cover Designs
- Oatey SCS: Oatey FlowGuard High Contrast CPVC Cement
- Oatey SCS: Hercules Shutout Training Overview
- Oatey SCS: Hercules for Body Jobsite Wipes Overview
- Oatey SCS: 1916 Collection Freestanding Tub Drain Training
- Fieldpiece: Combustion Analyzers CAT85 / CAT45 sales training
- Fieldpiece: Wireless Refrigerant Scale, SR47 sales training
- DiversiTech/Packard: Contactor Amp Ratings Easily Explained
- DiversiTech/Packard: Best Way To Select A Replacement Motor
- DiversiTech/Packard: How To Easily Choose The Correct Replacement Draft Inducer
- DiversiTech/Packard: HVAC Motors
- DiveriTech/Packard: #1 Reason For Condenser Fan Motor Failure
- DiversitTech/Packard: 1&2 Pole Contactors
- DiversiTech/Packard: Run Capacitors: Oil Filled Vs. Dry
- DiversiTech/Packard: Selecting The Best Motor For Your Project
- DiversiTech: Packard – Titan HD 440V Capacitor- 60,000 Hour Long Operating Life (1/2)
- Regal Rexnord: Genteq® Evergreen® Motors – Applications and Cross Reference Made Easy
- Regal Rexnord: Genteq® Evergreen® VS Motors – Installation Made Easy
New BLUE HAWK Solution Partners
Strickland Associates
Effective September 1, 2022
Primary Contact: Sid Strickland
P: (321) 214-0887
Talent optimization tools that deliver science-based data about your employees, candidates, teams, and jobs. Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment Tool.
Effective August 1, 2022
Primary Contact: Umair Surani
P: (972) 399-9211
Field Service Software for Small Service Businesses
BLUE HAWK Gives Back